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Inner Event

The IEEE Day Celebration 2023


College Level Event


The IEEE Day celebration at Sagar Group of Institutions - SISTec Ratibad was a resounding success, marked by the presence of esteemed guests and experts. The event was inaugurated in the presence of Chief Guest Prof. G.S. Tomar, Chair of IEEE MP Section and Guest Mr. M. K. Badapanda, Vice Chair  IEEE, and experts of the day's sessions, including Prof. S.C. Choube, Dean of RGPV Bhopal, and Dr. Harish Kumar Sharma, Senior Deputy General Manager at BHEL, Bhopal.
The IEEE Day celebration commenced with Prof. G.S. Tomar and Prof. Badapanda providing valuable insights into IEEE and its significance in the field of technology and engineering. Their presentations set the stage for an engaging and informative day.
Following the introductory sessions, Dr. Harish Kumar Sharma conducted an expert session on "High Voltage Transformers," shedding light on this critical aspect of electrical engineering. This session was invaluable in expanding participants' knowledge in the field.
Next, Prof. S.C. Choube delivered an expert session on the Internet of Things (IoT), exploring the latest trends and developments in this rapidly evolving field. His insights into IoT technology were both enlightening and forward-looking.
The IEEE Day celebration also featured a Project Expo, where teams from various engineering branches and colleges showcased their innovative projects. The projects displayed the creativity and technical prowess of the participants.
The First Prize went to the project titled "Trainer Kit of PLC & VFD" from the Department of Electrical Engineering at SISTec Ratibad.
The Second Prize went to the project titled "Walking Talking Robot" from the Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering at SISTec Gandhi Nagar.
The Third Prize went to the project titled “Smart Food Ordering System” from the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering at SISTec Ratibad.
These projects exhibited the dedication and ingenuity of the students, and their hard work was duly recognized and appreciated.
The IEEE Day celebration at SISTec Ratibad, Bhopal, was a memorable and enriching experience for all participants. It provided a platform for knowledge sharing, learning, and fostering innovation in the field of technology and engineering. The event concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr. Ashish Singhal, Head of the Electrical Engineering Department at SISTec Ratibad.
The IEEE Day celebration served as a testament to the commitment of SISTec Ratibad to promote technological advancement and provide a platform for students and experts to come together and share their expertise.