Admissions - 2024

Inner Event

Scientist Talk with ISRO Scientist


College Level Event

Expert Lecture

Sagar Group of Institutions-SISTec and SISTec Ratibad recently organized an engaging and enlightening interactive talk featuring Ms. Anuja Sharma, a distinguished scientist from ISRO.

The session was conducted online through Google Meet and was attended by Director SISTec Dr. Jyoti Deshmukh, Principals of SISTec & SISTec Ratibad Dr. D. K. Rajoriya & Dr. Manish Billore, Vice-Principal of SISTec Dr. Swati Saxena, and students from both the campuses.

The focus of her talk was on the remarkable Chandrayaan mission and the invaluable contributions made by ISRO towards India's comprehensive development.

During her presentation, Ms. Sharma emphasized the significance of the Indian Space Program and its profound impact on the lives of ordinary citizens. She also shed light on the intricate complexities involved in space missions, highlighting the immense challenges faced by a developing nation like India. Furthermore, Ms. Sharma delved into the details of various missions, including the highly acclaimed Chandrayaan and the Aditya-L1 Mission. Her comprehensive insights provided the audience with a deeper understanding of the ambitious endeavors undertaken by ISRO.

To conclude the event, a stimulating Q&A session was held, allowing students to pose their burning questions to Ms. Sharma. She graciously addressed inquiries regarding the pathways for students to join ISRO and shared exciting glimpses into the future plans of this esteemed organization.