Admissions - 2024

Inner Event

Internal Hackathon 2023


Computer Science & Engineering


Sagar Group of Institutions - SISTec Ratibad organized an Internal Hackathon to facilitate registrations for the prestigious Smart India Hackathon. This event brought together teams from various engineering departments, each presenting their innovative ideas to tackle challenges in areas such as Smart Automation, Clean & Green Technology, Fitness & Sports, Heritage & Culture, Renewable/Sustainable Energy, Medtech/Biotech/Healthtech, Blockchain & Cybersecurity, Agriculture, Foodtech, Rural Development, Smart Education, Disaster Management, and more. These problem statements were sourced from the Smart India Hackathon (SIH) 2023 portal.
During the event, committee members engaged participants in thought-provoking discussions, seeking to understand the concepts and methodologies employed in developing their unique solutions. These interactions allowed the committee members to evaluate each solution based on key parameters, including teamwork, coordination, and alignment with the problem statements provided by SIH.
The Internal Hackathon not only provided an opportunity for participants to contribute to the Smart India Hackathon but also served as a valuable learning experience, enabling them to enhance their technical expertise and develop a deeper understanding of the problem domains.
Overall, the Internal Hackathon showcased the institution's dedication to fostering a culture of innovation and preparing students for the challenges of the future.